Wyoming Casinos
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About Wyoming Gaming
Wyoming Casinos & Gambling
Gambling has expanded in Wyoming thanks to the "Historic Racing" legislation signed into law in 2013. Historic Racing is pari-mutuel betting on previously run horse races. The player is given certain data to make informed handicapping decisions but the race track and horse names are withheld until after the historic event is completed. Some machines allow for the bettor to request that the system pick the race. The display on the newest machines is that of a slot machine with a small movie of the race's finish appearing in an unobtrusive place on the machine. This allows betting in between live simulcast races daily, and year around.
The proceeds from this activity has allowed the two live race tracks in the state to expand their racing days. Sweetwater Downs went from 4 days of racing the previous year to 8 days in 2013 and Wyoming Downs has expanded their season from an anticipated 8 days to 16 days when they re-open for 2014 season in June.
The Pari-Mutuel Historic Racing, or as more well known as Instant Racing, has also allowed the simulcast networks associated with the tracks to expand with a current total of nine OTB parlors. From Rails Brews & Cues OTB Sheridan to Bomber's Sports Bar & Grill OTB in Rock Springs, to the Sushi Boat in Laramie shops are opening with live simulcast racing and dozens of the new instant racing machines giving a shot in the arm to local economies.
Tribal Gaming in Wyoming
There are currently four Tribal Casinos in the state giving patrons the chance to bet on traditional and progressive video slots along with Las Vegas style table games like craps, roulette, and blackjack as well as live action poker. The largest facility is still Wind River Hotel and Casino just outside of Riverton. The casino and poker room are open 24 hours a day all year through and the property has a 90 room hotel. Bus service is provided regionally and they offer stay and play golf packages among other amenities.
Bingo in Wyoming
In addition to bingo halls in the Tribal Casinos there are also bingo halls in Cheyenne, Casper, Laramie, Gillette, Rock Springs, Sheridan, Green River, Evanston and elsewhere. Bingo remains a popular pastime in the Cowboy State.
Wyoming Lottery
Although not thoroughly inked and set in stone (pending contract approval) the Wyoming Lottery Corp. board selected international gaming giant Intralot in late March of 2014 as the state’s lottery vendor. The company from Greece beat out lottery giants GTECH and Scientific Games for the state's concession.The lottery board held it's first meeting on July 09, 2013 in Casper.
The Wyoming Lottery is expected to gross somewhere in the neighborhood of $25 million with a net of about $6 million each year. The first $6 million net will go to local governments and if there is anything left over it will be doled out to schools through a special fund. You can check current lottery results for the US on our USA Lottery Results pages. International results are also provided through links from our Lottery pages.
Wyoming Casino Information
Wyoming has 25 casinos in which you'll find more than 1,869 slots and gaming machines. There are a total of 19 table games. The minimum bet we've found at casinos in Wyoming is $0.01 and the maxium bet is $25. Click a casino on the left for more information on a particular property.
If you wish to stay at some nice casino hotels in Wyoming, visit the Wyoming casino hotels page. We actually have 6 Wyoming hotels you can book directly from World Casino Directory. Click here to see a list of all Wyoming hotels available.
There is poker in Wyoming! You will find over 1 live poker tables to play at. You will find the following games in Wyoming casinos: 7 Card Stud, Texas Hold'em, Mixed Games, Omaha.
Wyoming Casinos and Gambling Facts
Wyoming Casinos and the Biggest Casino City in Wyoming
Wyoming has a total of 25 casinos and pari-mutuel facilities at your disposal which are spread out across 11 cities throughout the state. The city with the most is Rock Springs with 5 casinos.

Biggest Casino / Gaming Facility in Wyoming
Out of all casinos in Wyoming you'll find Wind River Hotel and Casino to be the biggest. It has 800 gaming machines and 9 table games. You can reach South Point Casino by phone at (307) 855-2600 or by clicking this link: Wind River Hotel and Casino to see its information page.
2nd Biggest Casino / Gaming Facility in Wyoming
Coming in second place for largest casino in Wyoming is Shoshone Rose Casino with 400 gaming machines and 5 table games. This casino can be reached by calling +1 (307) 206-7001 or by clicking this link: Shoshone Rose Casino to see its information page.
Gambling Law
Wyoming Statutes
(a) As used in this article:
(i) "Calcutta wagering" means wagering on the outcome of amateur contests, cutter horse racing, dog sled racing, professional rodeo events or professional golf tournament in which those who wager bid at auction for the exclusive right to "purchase" or wager upon a particular contestant or entrant in the event and when the outcome of the event has been decided the total wagers comprising the pool, less a percentage "take-out" by the event's sponsor, is distributed to those who "purchased" or wagered upon the winning contestants or entrants;
(ii) "Gain" means the direct realization of winnings;
(iii) "Gambling" means risking any property for gain contingent in whole or in part upon lot, chance, the operation of a gambling device or the happening or outcome of an event, including a sporting event, over which the person taking a risk has no control, but does not include:
(A) Bona fide contests of skill, speed, strength or endurance in which awards are made only to entrants or the owners of entries;
(B) Bona fide business transactions which are valid under the law of contracts;
(C) Other acts or transactions now or hereafter expressly authorized by law;
(D) Bingo games conducted, or pull tabs sold, by charitable or nonprofit organizations where the tickets for the bingo are sold only in this state and the pull tabs are sold only on the premises owned or occupied by the charitable or nonprofit organization provided that:
(I) Bingo games and pull tab games shall only be conducted by charitable or nonprofit organizations, which have been in existence in this state for at least three (3) years;
(II) In conducting bingo games and pull tab games the organization shall use only volunteers who are bona fide members of the charitable or nonprofit organization or employees or contractors who are paid by the organization to assist in the operation of the game;
(III) Players of bingo games or pull tab games shall be eighteen (18) years or older;
(IV) At least sixty-five percent (65%) of all gross sales shall be redeemed as winnings each month. The net proceeds after payment of winnings shall be restricted as follows:
(1) No more than forty percent (40%) of net proceeds shall be paid to distributors or manufacturers of supplies or equipment necessary to conduct the game; and
(2) Seventy-five percent (75%) of the net proceeds remaining after payment for all costs and supplies shall be donated within one (1) year by the organization to a bona fide charitable or benevolent purpose.
(V) The charitable or nonprofit organization conducting the bingo game or pull tab game may purchase supplies or equipment necessary to conduct the game from a distributor or manufacturer at a price based on a per card or pull tab basis subject to the limitations provided in subdivision (D)(IV)(1) of this paragraph.
(E) Any game, wager or transaction which is incidental to a bona fide social relationship, is participated in by natural persons only, and in which no person is participating, directly or indirectly, in professional gambling; or
(F) Calcutta wagering on contests or events conducted by a bona fide nationally chartered veterans', religious, charitable, educational or fraternal organization or nonprofit local civic or service club organized or incorporated under the laws of this state, provided that:
(I) The contest or event is conducted solely in this state;
(II) Any rules affecting the contest or requirements for participants are clearly posted;
(III) The total prizes or prize money paid out in any one (1) contest or event does not exceed ninety percent (90%) of the total wagers;
(IV) A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the total wagers on each contest or event is donated within one (1) year by the sponsoring organization to a bona fide charitable or benevolent purpose;
(V) No separate organization or professional person is employed to conduct the contest or event or assist therein;
(VI) The sponsoring organization before conducting the contest or event gives thirty (30) days written notice of the time and place thereof to the governing body of the county or municipality in which it intends to conduct the contest or event and the governing body does not pass a resolution objecting thereto;
(VII) The sponsoring organization has complied with the relevant sections of the internal revenue code of 1954, as amended, relating to taxes on wagering.
(G) Display or private use of antique gambling devices in the owner's residence;
(H) Raffles conducted for charitable purposes.
(iv) "Gambling device" means any device, machine, paraphernalia or equipment except an antique gambling device that is used or usable in the playing phases of any professional gambling activity, whether that activity consists of gambling between persons or gambling by a person involving the playing of a machine;
(v) "Gambling premise" means any building, room, enclosure, vehicle, vessel or other place, whether open or enclosed, used or intended to be used for professional gambling. Any place where a gambling device is found is presumed to be intended to be used for professional gambling;
(vi) "Gambling proceed" means all money or property at stake or displayed in or in connection with professional gambling;
(vii) "Gambling record" means any record, receipt, ticket, certificate, token, slip or notation given, made, used or intended to be used in connection with professional gambling;
(viii) "Professional gambling" means:
(A) Aiding or inducing another to engage in gambling, with the intent to derive a profit therefrom; or
(B) Participating in gambling and having, other than by virtue of skill or luck, a lesser chance of losing or a greater chance of winning than one (1) or more of the other participants.
(ix) "Profit" means benefit other than a gain, which is realized or unrealized and direct, including benefits from unequal advantage in a series of transactions but does not include benefits of proprietorship or management of a business wherein a game, wager or transaction described in W.S. 6 7 101(a)(iii)(E) occurs;
(x) "Antique gambling device" means a mechanically or electronically operated slot machine that is at least twenty-five (25) years old and used only for display or personal amusement in the owner's residence, in public and private museums, in possession of a dealer or distributor of lawful gaming equipment or displayed at state or local historic sites;
(xi) "Charitable or nonprofit organization" means an organization recognized as a charitable or nonprofit organization under Wyoming statutes and which possesses a valid exemption from federal income tax issued by the Internal Revenue Service under the provisions of 26 U.S.C. ß 501(c);
(xii) Repealed By Laws 2007, Ch. 52, ß 1.
6-7-102. Gambling; professional gambling; penalties.
(a) A person who engages in gambling commits a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), or both.
(b) A person who engages in professional gambling commits a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than three (3) years, a fine of not more than three thousand dollars ($3,000.00), or both.
6-7-103. Gambling devices, gambling records, gambling proceeds subject to seizure; disposition thereof; antique gambling devices protected.
All gambling devices, gambling records and gambling proceeds are subject to seizure by any peace officer and shall be disposed of in accordance with law. An antique gambling device as defined by W.S. 6-7-101(a)(x) shall not be subject to seizure unless it is used in any way in violation of this article.
6-7-104. Advertising of allowable gambling activities or events.
Nothing in this chapter prohibits the advertising of any gambling activity or event excluded from gambling under W.S. 6-7-101(a)(iii) and conducted by or for any charitable or nonprofit organization or conducted as a promotional activity by a private business entity which is clearly occasional and ancillary to the primary business of that entity.
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Wyoming Stats
- Licensed Casinos: 25
- Horse Tracks: 9
- Licensed Bingo: 4
- Table games: 19
- Slot machines: 1,869
- Poker tables: 1
- Simulcasting: 11
- Greyhound Tracks: 6
- Cities with Gambling: 11
- Sportsbetting Parlours: 0
- Casino Hotels: 6
- Venues: 4
- Restaurants: 12
- Minimum Bet: $ 0.01
- Maximum Bet: $ 25
- Total Casino sq/ft: 56,450 sq/ft