Africa Poker
Poker Tournaments

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Month 16-28 Mont 28 - Month 16 2014 |
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Africa Poker Tournament Guide | Hold 'em Information
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Africa Poker Information
As is the case with the rest of the planet, poker fever has spread to Africa as well. In February of 2006, Africa's first Poker Millionaire was created when Christopher Convery won the 4th All Africa Poker Series and received a Million Rand prize. Ninety of Africa's poker players competed in this Texas Hold 'Em tournament.
Coming up in May of 2006, the 5th All African Poker Series will take place with the top five players winning a seat into the World Championship Poker game. The World Championship Poker Tournament takes place in Las Vegas, Nevada in the United States.
With the popularity of poker taking such an upward flight worldwide, it only seems logical that Africa would have a bit of the action too. There are many casinos in Africa, most of which offer a poker table or two.
In all of the countries in Africa currently playing poker, South Africa seems to be the poker hotbed. Egypt for a poker player comes in second place being a fine place to play poker as well. Poker players should be able to find a poker game in Africa with little or no difficulty.
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Don't forget to submit a review of any casinos you visit in South Africa. Post a review and you will receive CGP (casino gold points) good here at World Casino Directory for cool prizes from our store. You can use CGP to play poker in our live Texas Hold'em poker room right here on this site. All you have to do to play poker is be a member. Sign up to become a member if you haven't already and play Hold'em with other members.