The Utter Place
Poker tables: | 2 |
Self parking: | Yes |
Casino sq/ft: | 3,000 sq/ft |
Poker games available: | NL Texas Hold'em , Tournaments |
Hotels: | Deadwood Hotels |
Old Style Saloon No. 10 Casino
657 Lower Main St, Deadwood, SD 57732, USA
Website | Website |

During the day this place re-enacts the shooting of Wild Bill Hickock. They pick kids out of the audience to act as players in the poker game.
Wild Bill was shot in the 1800s while playing poker in Old Saloon #10, although that burned down many years ago.
Atmosphere: When I was there they had three tables. Two of them were full on a Saturday evening. Everything is old, broken in, I guess you could say. Both tables spread 2/10 spread limit, which is popular in Deadwood.
I walked by late on a weeknight later in the week and there were no games going on.
Dealers: The dealers were competent. There were no huge mistakes, but they didnt seem quite as sharp as the better dealers in Vegas, which is to be expected of a place like this.
Food: You have to pay for drinks. Service is fine.
Service: It was a chalk board that you write your name on. The dealer who isn't dealing keeps it organized. There wasn't a floor person as far as I could tell.
Comps: Don't know, didn't ask.