Commerce Casino Poker Room
Part of Commerce Casino
The Commerce Casino is the largest poker room in the world with more than 240 total gaming tables, over 160 of which are dedicated to poker. The card room is located directly off the 5 freeway in the City of Commerce, roughly 8-10 miles southeast of downtown LA. The facility initially opened in 1983 and has since expanded several times including adding a hotel in 2001. The Commerce now rivals a mid-size Las Vegas casino in size and amenities including multiple dining options. The Crowne Plaza hotel, attached directly to the casino, is an award-winning property featuring 200 deluxe rooms, a spa, pool, entertainment and more.
The Commerce offers all games allowed in California including pai gow poker and tiles, pan, blackjack and baccarat variations and, of course, poker. Poker variants offered include NL and limit hold'em, 7-card stud, Omaha, lowball, Mexican poker, pineapple and mixed games. The Commerce also hosts daily tournaments and several major tournament series including the LA Poker Classic (a WPT event held in Jan-Feb), the WPT Celebrity Invitational, the California State Poker Championship and the Heavenly Hold'em series.
The casino is divided into several areas, all of which are cavernous. Players used to smaller (<40 table rooms) may be overwhelmed by the size and have difficulty finding the game for which they're looking. If it's poker-related, the Commerce probably spreads it; simply ask any floor person where to look.
With multiple tables at most limits, wait times are minimal for many games. Wait lists are now automated throughout and the staff seats players quickly. The tables (9-handed) and chairs (fixed leg) are all comfortable and all cash game tables have auto-shufflers to maximize the hands per hour. Note: unlike other rooms, the Commerce continually upgrades its facilities and gaming equipment; the tables, felt and chairs are always in first-rate condition.
Dealers are friendly and efficient, although given the size and volume of the room, it lacks the floor-dealer-player intimacy you'll find at smaller rooms. Food and beverage service is available table-side thoughout the facility and responsive at all but peak times. Note: at 15/30 limit and $400 NL and above, food is free.
If you're a poker manager or frequent patron and would like to provide photos, game or tournament info to this listing, please email us:
Poker tables: | 160 |
Poker Open 24/7: | Yes |
Self parking: | Yes |
Valet: | Yes |
Casino sq/ft: | 90,000 sq/ft |
Convention sq/ft: | 4,000 sq/ft |
Poker games available: | Omaha Hi-Lo , Limit Holdem , No Limit Holdem , 7 Card Stud , Mixed Games , Razz , Omaha , 7 Card Stud Hi-Lo , Low Ball , Five Card Draw , 5 Card Stud , Mexican Poker |
Hotels: | Crowne Plaza Hotel Los Angeles Commerce Casino |
Rates: | $189.00 - $223.00 |
Commerce Casino
6131 Telegraph Rd, Commerce, CA 90040, USA
Available 24/7 | Yes |
Phone | (714) 879-2100 |
Facebook page | |
@CommerceCasino |
Hours of Operation
Open 24/7 |

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Commerce Casino Casino Jobs
Review Poker Room

I decide to jump into another $120 and ended up getting in a $100 last longer with 4 others. Play is slow but we finally start losing people in level 3 and 4. There are five of us remaining (3 of the last longer guys), blinds 200/400. Folded to me on the button and I shove with Q10 suited for my last t2100, get called by AA in the big blind, -$220. I’ve been at commerce less than 2hrs and I’m down $885.
I take my seat at table 13 and play begins. My table was a couple experienced guys on my left and a sleepy Robert Turner on my right. (My first and only WSOP even was a $1.5k four years ago where I played scared money and busted pretty early; Robert Turner was at my table then as well. The two largest events I’ve played in and we have drawn the same table both times… weird.) I have to keep kicking him under the table when it is his action, and he gets a short stack pretty early. In the first five hands there is a player on the other side of the table who gets check-raised twice and folds both times, grumbling about not wanting to go out early. When he raises the next time I call from the small blind with A2 diamonds. Flop comes out A45 two diamonds. I check-raise him all in (I have him covered) and he folds AK face up after committing half his stack. I’m happy to take it down on the flop, and now my stack is growing. The next hand I really butcher; I played k10 hearts from the button and call off a big portion of my stack to see turn and river when I have pair, gutshot and flush draw in a 3-way pot. When I miss and the board reads j 9 7 10 2, I bluff half my chips after it is checked to me. I get called by a set of 7s and I’m sitting pretty low now. A few hands later I double up with KQ, then get KK the very next hand. I raise and get called by one player (one of the experienced guys, has been pretty active thus far). Flop is 9 10 4, I bet 75% pot he calls, turn 8. Without hesitation I ship it in (slight overbet of the pot) and he calls with the nuts and I’m drawing dead. This is the exact situation I have spewed off my chips in the last three big tourneys I’ve played in, (two FTOPS online and this one). I get a strong starting hand and play it way too fast. I am instituting a mandatory 15sec rule for myself that forces me to at least think about my play a bit more. The second I moved in I was like “WTF am I doing?” LAPC Tourney Room = -$885 for me.
I move downstairs and decide I should take advantage of the busy cash games before I have to drive home in traffic. Historically I have played the 5-10 and 3-5NL games at commerce and crushed them.
My first trip out was 4 yrs ago during the LAPC. I played two days in the lower limit games and took $1400 of my $2k profit to the 10/20NL game that my friend said was pretty soft. I sit down and before I can even order food I get dealt QQ. I raise preflop and get called by the large dude in a straw hat. He looks like a big lumberjack with his beard and hat, I’m guessing he was wearing overalls. Flop is Jack high and I bet out, he raises me and I shove the rest of my chips. He calls with one pair, flush draw and gutshot. He hits the 9 on the river to take my stack. I am stunned and slink back to the low limit area to grind it out again.
Back to last Friday. I am on the list for 10/20NL and a bunch of us start a new must move table, low and behold the same Lumberjack sits down. I am having serious Déjà vu with the same dud sitting in the tourney with me and now I sit in 10/20NL for the first time since that day 4yrs ago and the same dude who took my money is at the table again! I decide not to say anything to him, and two hands into the game I get moved to the main game. The only hand I get in the first half-hour is AA and I reraise preflop and everyone folds.
The big guy (I’ll call him Alaska because its shorter than lumberjack), gets moved to my table and he is splashing around. He bluffs one pot on the river and gets caught, then gets reraised and folds the next hand. He looks pretty steamed. I am dealt AK in the BB; two limps then Alaska raises to $220. I decide there is a good chance I have him dominated and I don’t mind gambling on a coinflip either and decide to push it in. He has $1200 more and I have him covered; he thinks about it for a while and calls with q 10 offsuit. Dealer quickly runs it out and he makes a straight! WTF? I don’t know if I’ll ever beat this guy.
I laugh it off and rebuy, it is a great table with lots of action and some huge suckouts putting people on tilt. I talked to him later about the hand 4 yrs ago and he remember the whole thing; there was a Philipino player at the table who has a knows Alaska pretty well I guess, (10/20 reg. I am told) who says he was at the table when that hand happened as well. The poker world is pretty small! I play a couple more hours and get in a couple interesting hands.
I watch seat 7 get all in with seat 8 for a $5k+ pot on a 6 high flop. Seat 7 shows JJ and seat 8 shows 77, turn is a 7…bring on the tilt! Seat 7 rebuys and plays every hand. When no one calls one of his raises I call from middle position with J7diamonds, I call his C-bet, turn-bet and $300 river bluff with 3rd pair. He instamucks and I don’t show my hand.
I am in late position with 6-4 spades, I have ~$1700. Pot is raised from the cutoff to $70 (Seat 7 from above), I call, BB Alaska calls. (Pot ~$220) Flop comes out 6 8 J, one spade two hearts. Cutoff c-bets $100, I call (thinking I might be able to steal this on the turn if a spade hits and I semi-bluff), Alaska calls. (Pot ~$520) Turn 4 of hearts. Not the card I was expecting, but when it is checked to me a throw out a bet to see where I am. I bet $150 (I’m still debating the bet size, my thinking was that by checking I was leaving the door open for one of them to bluff me out on the river, but I was pretty sure a large bet would be called by any heart. My plan was to check behind on the river and fold to any bet if a heart hits; on a non-heart river I would call if the tilty guy bet, but probably not if Alaska bet.) Anyway, the original raiser min-raises me to $300, I am getting a pretty good price and I think it is likely he has a pair with the nut draw so I call. River is a 6! He bets out $560 and I raise all in to around $1300, he calls and I take down his KQhearts for a nice pot.
I play Q10diamonds and flop top two, I bet flop and turn and get called by Philipino guy in both spots. I check the river hoping he will bluff at it with a missed heart draw, unfortunately he checks and shows AQ. I think I could have made another value bet and gotten paid off there, oops.
I raise to $80 with KK in late position, 4 calls including the philipino guy, seat 7 and Alaska. (~$340) Flop comes out 2 4 9 rainbow. Checked to me and I bet $260. This is where it gets interesting. Philipino guy goes all in for $1600+, Alaska folds, seat 7 calls all in $1150. WTF? I tank for a while. I am pretty sure seat 7 has a set, but it is less than $1k to match his bet. The other guys bet screams flush draw, but the flop is rainbow. I try to convince myself he might have JJ or 1010 and if I beat him I get the side pot of around $1k, but that just doesn’t fit. They call the clock on me and I lay it down. They turn over 3 5 offsuit and 2 4 offsuit (seat 7), lol. Turn 6, river 2, LOL!
I get some revenge on Alaska later winning around $800 off him in a few smaller pots before I need to hit the road, but he has gotten the best of me so far. Overall it was a fun day of poker, it always surprises me how action packed the cash games are at Commerce. I hope to get back up and play some 10/20 again soon. Any 2+2ers at that table?
Total for the trip: Tourneys -$885, Cash +$1120.
Cliffs: Donked off my chips in tourney and sats. Erased losses and turned small profit in cash games. Déjà vu twice in one day.

I managed to stay out of trouble for the first few orbits and won most small pots I played.
Hand 1:
My first major hand was with the blinds still at 100/200. Me on button with A8. Folds to me and I raise to 500 with a 4k starting stack. SB who has 1800 or so pushes. I insta-call. He has K9. Flop comes with a K and 8. River is 8 and I'm in business.
For a fairly major 6-handed tournament loaded with aggressive pros my table turned out to be great. There was a young pro two seats to my left who was somewhat aggressive. Actually he talked a lot and represented through his words that he was the real deal and very aggressive. In reality he was fairly predictable and not very aggressive at all. Most pots were heads-up and there wasn't much post-flop aggression or pf 3-betting. About an hour in Makisim Karandeyev sits to my left. He's young, friendly guy who tells us all that he just won the NL event #11, but is actually a limit specialist.
Hand 2:
I'm in the BB with KT at 100/200 25 and around 5.5k. UTG makes it 600, button calls, SB calls, I call.
Flop T84 with two clubs. SB makes it 1500, I push. Folds to SB who calls with JT. He has me covered by a bit. My hand holds and I'm in business with a great stack.
Hand 3:
Still 100/200 25 and I'm at 11k. I make it 700 with AJs. BB who has about 10k takes a while to decide. It seems to me that he is seriously thinking about raising. I put him on a hand like 99/TT/JJ/AQ. He calls.
Flop comes K rag/rag. He immediately leads out for 1200. I have no part of the flop, but the timing of his bet really raises alarms to me. I really feel he has a hand like JJ and is testing the waters. A raise here or a call and then bet or raise on the turn will very likely get me the pot. However, I'm torn because I would have to risk about half of my stack and I have a very healthy stack right now and don't want to bluff it away. I decide to just let it go, but do regret the wimpy play. Any thoughts?
Hand 4:
Pretty standard. My stack and blinds are about the same as above. I raise with TT. Aggressive young guy (AYG) across the table calls as does a short stack to my right. Flop comes KT9. AYG checks, shortie puts his last 300 in and we both call. AYG checks in the dark which sucks. Turn comes an 8 so I really can't slowplay any more. I fire about 2/3rds of pot and he folds. Pretty standard.
3-bet City
I lose about 3-4k of my stack through blinds/antes and PF raises with hands like AT, AJ, KQs, etc., and either missing/continuation bet/fold to raises or more often then not, having my buddy to the left, Makisim, 3 betting me. This happens 3 times and while I do want to look him up at some point, I decide that I'll wait for a better opportunity so am forced to fold each time, until:
Hand 5:
150/300 25, stack: 9k. I limp with KTs from UTG+1 (is it possible to be in early position 6 handed?). This is my first limp of the day when first in. Everyone comes along except the UTG who already folded. Flop comes T92 rainbow. SB makes it 500 into a 1600ish pot. Checked to me and I make it 2k. Makisim asks me my stack size and takes quite a bit of time deciding what to do. He eventually makes it 4k. Hmmm. Very weird bet. He either got a bit worried and thinks that this weird bet will screw with me or he really has a strong hand and wants me to come along. I think quite a bit about it and decide that he doesn't have much, but what a stupid bet. Why do it? Very tough spot. Given our history I just can't lay it down and really am convinced I have him and he's just making another move, given that I've shown no resistance to his other raises. He probably pegs me as weak (is it right?) given what he's seen, so I push my last 6.5k. When he doesn't immediately call I'm pretty sure I'm good.
After about a minute he calls with... QT. What the f*&^&ck? I RR the original raiser, then push over the top of him. He still has over 20-25 BB with about 7-8k left. What could I possibly have given the way I've been playing? I haven't shown down one hand that was out of line. Of course he rivered the Q and sent me packing. No hard feelings. I hope you add to your trophy case with my chips. Here's the proud event #11 winner:
<b>Time to do my own sucking!</b>
It's too early to leave so I put down my $120 and play a one-table satellite. We get 1500 in chips and the blinds move up very 15 mins. Pretty standard group of players, a few guys who think they know how to play BUT... very few really understand hand values in these things. It amazes me the hands that people fold or consider folding in this tournament.
I win a small pot on the first hand with AQs and then go card dead for a while. I stay at around 1800 as blinds move up to 150/300 -- I'm just getting no opportunities to make a move. I keep my stack steady by simply pushing blind from the SB and button when folded to me. Then I go on a crazy run.
I'm UTG with the blinds about to eat me alive so will play a very wide range of hands. Still 6 people left. My first card is an A and I push without looking at the 2nd. The SB open folds 88 without hesitating. Pretty weird if you ask me given how broad my range is in this situation. I guess if he thinks I play like everyone else it makes some sense. Unfortunately my second card was also an A, but I probably would have done the same thing if I knew. I proceed to get KK, JJ, AK, 88 over the next bunch of hands and knock out two players to take a large lead. I do suck out on a guy when I called his short-stack all-in with 88 when he had JJ and I flopped trips. However, that hand wouldn't have killed me, but this hand...
We're now 3-handed. An attractive Asian female who is fairly good has about the exact same stack as me. We are both at 6.5k or so and one guy between us had 3k. Nobody mentions a deal and I'm in no mood to offer one. Blinds are now 400-800. I have Ah7h and auto push. The SB folds and the Asian female goes into the tank. She says she loves her two cards and is having a hard time folding them. I assume she has KQs and don't really feel like flipping right now so I hope she folds. She is seriously thinking about folding and I'm pretty sure she will. She has done this routine countless times before.
To my surprise she calls. To my SURPRISE she show AJs. What just happened? She almost didn't call me? With 3 handed action and blinds at 400-800? You gotta be kidding me. Of course, the flop comes with 3 hearts and I suck out.
A few people make mention that I was caught stealing. A7s in that situation is like trip A's. So now I have 12k or so vs. 3k for my opponent. If he asked for a deal I would have probably given him 200-300, but he doesn't. He makes some mention of catching up with me and then chopping. I take him out in about 3 hands and take the entire 1060. Boy, I sure earned that one! I feel bad because I started to talk to some of the other players and completely forgot to tip the dealer. They must think I'm a complete schmuck. When I come back next week I'll try to make up for it.
I must close by mentioning how impressed I was with the tournament. It really felt like I was in the Amazon Room of the WSOP. The tables were packed between the featured tournament, a variety of one-table satellites, the daily multi-table satellites and the final table from the previous day. The staff was extremely efficient, the dealers were great and the food, as always, was first rate. I'll be back for a few more tournament and will be sure to report back.
Hand 1: I'm a few hours into a $550 NL tournament. I find myself with 15 BB and am in the CO. David Phan is to my left with a huge stack and the SB/BB also have big stacks. It's folded to me. I have two red Tens. Do I push or raise? Not a huge decision but I'm curious what most of you would do because my decision proved fatal whereby another decision might have resulted in a different outcome.
Hand 2: Early in a $1k tournament. I'm UTG+1 with 4k and see JJ. UTG also has 4k. Blinds 50/100.
UTG mini-raises to 200. I just call for various reasons -- mostly to play a small pot and I'm suspicious of UTG mini-raises. One blind calls. Flop comes TJQ rainbow. Check to me. I bet $500, only UTG calls. Pot now $1700.
Turn 5 also brings back-door flush draw. UTG bets 600. Do I call, raise, push? If I don't push, what's the plan for the river?
Hand 3: $130 10-handed sat. Three players left, blinds are 400/800. We're in the BB with AJo and 6500 chips. The SB has 2k and the button has 6500. No mention of chop, but let's assume for argument sake that if we knock out the SB that we would likely do a chop with the button.
The button pushes and the SB folds. Do we call or fold?