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Casino Montreal Poker Room


Part of Casino Montreal

Casino de Montréal's non-smoking 26-table poker room features limit and no limit action, table-side dining, cocktail service and numerous large screens that broadcast live sporting events, so players won't miss a minute of the action on or off the table.

$1/$2 No Limit Hold'em with $50-$250 Buy-in run regularly as do $2/$5 No Limit Hold'em with $200 - $1,000 Buy-in - along with others.

*The rake varies according to limits.

Regular and special Texas Hold’em poker tournaments are also organized by the casino. No-limit sit-and-go poker tournaments are also available upon request. Check the website regularly for upcoming tournaments or ask a member of the casino staff.


Poker tables:26
Poker Open 24/7:Yes
Self parking:Yes
Casino sq/ft:526,488 sq/ft
Poker games available: Limit Holdem , No Limit Holdem , Sit-n-go
Hotels: Montréal Hotels


Casino Montreal
1 Ave du Casino, Montreal, QC H3C 4W7, Canada


Available 24/7 Yes
Phone 514-392-2746
Website Website

Hours of Operation

Open 24/7


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