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World Casino Directory / Lottery Directory / Arizona - The Pick

Arizona - The Pick Results

$ 1,000,000

Current Jackpot Pool

  • 0
  • 10
  • 16
  • 6

Time remaining

The Pick
Next Draw
Feb 5th
Numbers Drawn On February 1st
3 6 13 28 36 42
Numbers Drawn On January 29th
5 7 16 19 22 43
Numbers Drawn On January 25th
1 7 33 34 38 41
Numbers Drawn On January 22nd
5 13 26 36 42 44
Numbers Drawn On January 18th
3 12 15 31 33 44

Arizona Lottery - The Pick

The Pick was introduced in Arizona in 1984, just a little more than three years after the Arizona Lottery began selling tickets. You will need to be 21 years of age or older in order to play any lottery games in the state. The tickets can be purchased at any lottery retailer there. While the Arizona Lottery is a member of the Multi-State Lottery Association (MUSL), The Pick tickets can only be purchased by someone in the state at the time of purchase.

How Do I Play The Pick?

The Pick is an easy game to play and there are two ways to choose your numbers. You can choose the Quick Pick option and the lottery computer will pick your numbers for you. You can also choose your own six (6) numbers out of the forty-four (44) available and mark the selection slip yourself. Either way, it only costs a dollar ($1) to play and the game had a $13.5 million in 2007.

How To Win Cash Prizes

There are four basic ways to win when you play The Pick. All you have to do is match three, four, five, or six numbers in any order to win. Matching all six (6) numbers awards the jackpot. The jackpot starts at $1 million and continues to grow every Wednesday and Saturday evening draw until it finds a winner. Players can check their numbers by calling the Lottery Hotline at 800.499.3798, at a retail outlet, or online.

Are there any extra games available for The Pick? Yes! You can add $1 or $2 for a chance to play EXTRA! A one dollar EXTRA! will give you a chance to win $250, and playing the $2 bet you might win $500 instantly. By adding one or two dollars to your regular ticket purchase, six (6) extra numbers will be printed on your ticket. If any extra number matches one of your numbers picked for the drawing you win the prize shown for that number. The more numbers you match, the more you can win.

Can I Buy a Subscription to The Pick?

The Arizona Lottery makes it easy for you to play more than one draw without having to run out to your retailer's store twice each week. When you purchase your ticket simply ask the retailer to mark the number of draws you want to play on the slip. You can play up to 10 consecutive draws with a single ticket.

What Are The Odds of Winning a Cash Prize?

The overall odds of winning while playing The Pick are 1 in 39 (1:39).

The odds of matching three (3) of the six (6) numbers in the draw are 1 in 42 (1:42). The prize for matching three is $3.

The odds of matching four (4) of the six (6) numbers in the draw are 1 in 669 (1:669). The prize for matching four is $50.

The odds of matching five (5) of the six (6) numbers in the draw are 1 in 30,961 (1:30,961). The prize for matching five is $2,000.

The odds of matching all six (6) of the six (6) numbers in the draw are 1 in 7,059,052 (1:7,059,052). The prize for matching all six is the jackpot.

The first three prizes are always guaranteed. However, if other players also match six of six, all winners will share the jackpot prize pool equally.

For more information on playing The Pick from the Arizona Lottery, please visit The Pick.

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