Iowa Casinos
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About Iowa Gaming
Gambling in Iowa
The state of Iowa has been at the forefront of the gambling industry for quite some time now. Iowa may not be comparable to other places known for gambling, such as Nevada, and Monte Carlo, but they are definitely a pioneer state when it comes to legalized gaming.
Iowa introduces riverboat gambling to a nation!
In 1989 The state of Iowa passed the first riverboat casino legislation in the nation. This bill allowed Riverboat gambling within the state of Iowa along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. In 1990 The Dubuque Racing Association was first applicant approved to operate a river gambling boat in the state of Iowa. The Dubuque Casino Belle made her maiden voyage on April 1st 1991. This turned out to be quite profitable for both the state and for The Dubuque Racing Association, which paid in financed Ice Harbor improvement to the tune of $4,000,000.
Slots and Table Games at the track?
Iowa didn’t stop here! More recently Iowa’s state legislature approved the inclusion of table games and slot machines in Pari-Mutuel l facilities. Enter, Racino’s. In December of 2004 Prairie Meadows Race Track located in Altoona, Iowa was the first pari-mutuel facility in the nation to introduce slot machines in addition to track betting, several other states have since followed Iowa’s example and introduced modern racinos of their own.
Gambling Revenue offers an increase to local economies
It can be said that the state of Iowa realizes the value of recreational gaming as a substantial source of income . This is apparent due to the recent appearance of new casinos throughout the state. The state of Iowa has found relief for faltering local economies via legalized gaming, licensing fees for both casinos and regulated activities as well as individual casino employees.
In addition to the increase in tax revenue created by the construction of new gambling venues in the state, a new casino brings many other positive changes with it, such as new jobs in and surrounding the casino. An increase in tourism is another added benefit to these newer casinos such as the Wild Rose Casino opened in May of 2006. The increase in tourism obviously creates a chain effect, with more jobs opening in the hospitality industry, from travel agents, to hotel staff etc. Trickling down into the normal local economy as tourists visit local coffee shops, gas stations, conivience stores and more.
Sportsbetting was authorized via Iowa's 19 landbased casinos in May 2019 when Gov. Kim Reynolds signed the state's latest gambling measure into law. Regulatory control was given to the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission and punters need to be 21 years of age or older to participate. An online option was included in the legislation that allows people to place sports bets from mobile devices as long as they are physically present in the state when they do so.
Iowa Lottery
In addition to the tracks, new and upcoming casino gaming, and bingo, Iowa like many other states also offers a state lottery program to boost revenue via a state ran lottery, games include; Powerball, Hot Lotto, the $100,000 Cash Game, Pick 3 and Pick 4, Scratch Offs, and Pull Tabs. Winning Lottery Numbers? Right here: Iowa Lottery Results.
Iowa Casino Information
Iowa has 25 casinos in which you'll find more than 21,726 slots and gaming machines. There are a total of 489 table games. The minimum bet we've found at casinos in Iowa is $0.01 and the maxium bet is $10,000. Click a casino on the left for more information on a particular property.
If you wish to stay at some nice casino hotels in Iowa, visit the Iowa casino hotels page. We actually have 15 Iowa hotels you can book directly from World Casino Directory. Click here to see a list of all Iowa hotels available.
There is poker in Iowa! You will find over 83 live poker tables to play at. You will find the following games in Iowa casinos: NL Texas Hold'em, Stud, Omaha Hi-Lo, Limit Holdem, No Limit Holdem, NL Holdem, Crazy Pineapple, 7 Card Stud, Omaha 8 or Better, Texas Hold'em, Mixed Games, Omaha, 7 Card Stud Hi-Lo, Tournaments, No Limit Texas Hold'em, Limit Omaha 8 or Better. Some Iowa casinos also offer convention centers and meeting spaces. Over the entire town, you will find a total of 139,509 conference sq/ft space in the various casino properties.
Iowa Casinos and Gambling Facts
Iowa Casinos and the Biggest Casino City in Iowa
Iowa has a total of 25 casinos and pari-mutuel facilities at your disposal which are spread out across 21 cities throughout the state. The city with the most is Council Bluffs with 3 casinos.

Biggest Casino / Gaming Facility in Iowa
Out of all casinos in Iowa you'll find Prairie Meadows Racetrack and Casino to be the biggest. It has 2000 gaming machines and 44 table games. You can reach South Point Casino by phone at (515) 967-1000 or by clicking this link: Prairie Meadows Racetrack and Casino to see its information page.
2nd Biggest Casino / Gaming Facility in Iowa
Coming in second place for largest casino in Iowa is Horseshoe Casino Council Bluffs with 1700 gaming machines and 54 table games. This casino can be reached by calling (877) 771-7463 or by clicking this link: Horseshoe Casino Council Bluffs to see its information page.
Gambling Law
703.1 Aiding and abetting.
All persons concerned in the commission of a public offense, whether they directly commit the act constituting the offense or aid and abet its commission, shall be charged, tried and punished as principals. The guilt of a person who aids and abets the commission of a crime must be determined upon the facts which show the part the person had in it, and does not depend upon the degree of another person's guilt.
725.5 Keeping gambling houses.
Any person who keeps a house, shop, or place resorted to for the purpose of gambling, or permits any person in any house, shop, or other place under the person's control or care to conduct bookmaking or to play at cards, dice, faro, roulette, equality, punchboard, slot machine or other game for money or other thing, commits a serious misdemeanor.
725.6 "Keeper" defined.
In a prosecution under section 725.5 , any person who has the charge of or attends to any such house, shop, or place is the keeper thereof.
725.7 Gaming and betting -- penalty.
1. Except as permitted in chapters 99B [bingo] and 99D [racetracks], a person shall not do any of the following:
a. Participate in a game for any sum of money or other property of any value.
b. Make any bet.
c. For a fee, directly or indirectly, give or accept anything of value to be wagered or to be transmitted or delivered for a wager to be placed within or without the state of Iowa.
d. For a fee, deliver anything of value which has been received outside the enclosure of a racetrack licensed under chapter 99D to be placed as wagers in the pari-mutuel pool or other authorized systems of wagering.
e. Engage in bookmaking.
2. A person who violates this section is guilty of the following:
a. Illegal gaming in the fourth degree if the sum of money or value of other property involved does not exceed one hundred dollars. Illegal gaming in the fourth degree constitutes the following:
(1) A serious misdemeanor for a first offense.
(2) An aggravated misdemeanor for a second offense.
(3) A class "D" felony for a third offense.
(4) A class "C" felony for a fourth or subsequent offense.b. Illegal gaming in the third degree if the sum of money or value of other property involved exceeds one hundred dollars but does not exceed five hundred dollars. Illegal gaming in the third degree constitutes the following:
(1) An aggravated misdemeanor for a first offense.
(2) A class "D" felony for a second offense.
(3) A class "C" felony for a third or subsequent offense.c. Illegal gaming in the second degree if the sum of money or value of other property involved exceeds five hundred dollars but does not exceed five thousand dollars. Illegal gaming in the second degree constitutes the following:
(1) A class "D" felony for a first offense.
(2) A class "C" felony for a second or subsequent offense.d. Illegal gaming in the first degree if the sum of money or value of other property involved exceeds five thousand dollars. Illegal gaming in the first degree constitutes a class "C" felony.
725.8 Wagers -- forfeiture.
Property, whether real or personal, offered as a stake, or any moneys, property, or other thing of value staked, paid, bet, wagered, laid, or deposited in connection with or as a part of any game of chance, lottery, gambling scheme or device, gift enterprise, or other trade scheme unlawful under the laws of this state shall be forfeited to the state and said personal property may be seized and disposed of under chapter 809.
725.9 Possession of gambling devices prohibited -- exception for manufacturing.
1. "Antique slot machine " means a slot machine which is twenty-five years old or older.
2. "Antique pinball machine " means a pinball machine which is twenty-five years old or older.
3. "Gambling device " means a device used or adapted or designed to be used for gambling and includes, but is not limited to, roulette wheels, klondike tables, punchboards, faro layouts, keno layouts, numbers tickets, slot machines, pinball machines, push cards, jar tickets and pull-tabs. However, "gambling device" does not include an antique slot machine, antique pinball machine, or any device regularly manufactured and offered for sale and sold as a toy, except that any use of such a toy, antique slot machine or antique pinball machine for gambling purposes constitutes unlawful gambling.
4. A person who, in any manner or for any purpose, except under a proceeding to destroy the device, has in possession or control a gambling device is guilty of a serious misdemeanor.
5. This chapter does not prohibit the possession of gambling devices by a manufacturer or distributor if the possession is solely for sale out of the state in another jurisdiction where possession of the device is legal or for sale in the state or use in the state if the use is licensed pursuant to either chapter 99B or chapter 99G.
725.10 Pool selling -- places used.
Any person who records or registers bets or wagers or sells pools upon the result of any trial or contest of skill, speed, or power of endurance of human or beast, or upon the result of any political nomination or election, and any person who keeps a place for the purpose of doing any such thing, and any owner, lessee, or occupant of any premises, who knowingly permits the same, or any part thereof, to be used for any such purpose, and anyone who, as custodian or depositary thereof, for hire or reward, receives any money, property, or thing of value staked, wagered, or bet upon any such result, shall be guilty of a serious misdemeanor.
725.11 Bullfights and other contests.
Repealed by 2004 Acts, ch. 1056, Sec. 9.
725.12 Lotteries and lottery tickets -- definition.
If any person make or aid in making or establishing, or advertise or make public a scheme for a lottery; or advertise, offer for sale, sell, negotiate, dispose of, purchase, or receive a ticket or part of a ticket in a lottery or number of a ticket in a lottery; or have in the person's possession a ticket, part of a ticket, or paper purporting to be the number of a ticket of a lottery, with intent to sell or dispose of the ticket, part of a ticket, or paper on the person's own account or as the agent of another, the person commits a serious misdemeanor. However, this section does not prohibit the advertising of a lottery or possession by a person of a lottery ticket, part of a ticket, or number of a lottery ticket from a lottery legally operated or permitted under the laws of another jurisdiction. This section also does not prohibit the advertising of a lottery, game of chance, contest, or activity conducted by a not-for-profit organization that would qualify as tax exempt under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, as defined in section 422.3, or conducted by a commercial organization as a promotional activity which is clearly occasional and ancillary to the primary business of that organization.
Provided that the effective dates on any promotional activity shall be clearly stated on all promotional materials. A lottery, game of chance, contest, or activity shall be presumed to be a promotional activity which is not occasional if the lottery, game of chance, contest, or activity is in effect or available to the public for a period of more than ninety days within a one–year period.
2. A commercial organization shall not conduct a promotional activity that involves the sale of pull–tab tickets or instant tickets, as defined in section 99G.3, coupons, or tokens that are not authorized by the Iowa lottery authority and that may represent a chance to win a cash prize to be paid on the premises where the chance to win such prize was obtained. This subsection shall not be construed to prohibit a commercial organization from giving away pull–tab tickets, instant tickets, coupons, or tokens free of charge as part of a promotional activity, provided that the other provisions of this section are complied with. For purposes of this subsection, "cash" means United States currency.
3. When used in this section, "lottery" shall mean any scheme, arrangement, or plan whereby one or more prizes are awarded by chance or any process involving a substantial element of chance to a participant, and where some or all participants have paid or furnished a consideration for such chance.
4. For the purpose of determining the existence of a lottery under this section, a consideration shall not be deemed to have been paid or furnished where all or substantially all entries representing chances to win are submitted by means of the internet or the United States mail or by similar delivery method to the person or persons conducting the lottery, game of chance, contest, or activity prior to any prize being awarded, and where one or more of such chances to win may be obtained by participants where no purchase or payment is required to enter or win. In all other cases, a consideration shall be deemed to have been paid or furnished only in such cases where as a direct or indirect requirement or condition of obtaining a chance to win one or more prizes, some or all participants make an expenditure of money or something of monetary value through a purchase, payment of an entry or admission fee, or other payment or the participants are required to make a substantial expenditure of effort; provided, however, that no substantial expenditure of effort shall be deemed to have been expended by any participant solely by reason of the registration of the participant's name, address, and related information, the obtaining of an entry blank or participation sheet, by permitting or taking part in a demonstration of any article or commodity, by making a personal examination of posted lists of prize winners, or by acts of a comparable nature, whether performed or accomplished in person at any store, place of business, or other designated location, through the mails, or by telephone; and further provided, that no participant shall be required to be present in person or by representative at any designated location at the time of the determination of the winner of the prize, and that the winner shall be notified either by the same method used to communicate the offering of the prize or by regular mail.
5. Upon request of the Iowa lottery authority or the division of criminal investigation of the department of public safety, the attorney general shall institute in the name of the state the proper proceedings against a person charged in such request with violating this section, and a county attorney may, at the request of the attorney general, appear and prosecute an action when brought in the county attorney's county.
725.13 Definition of bookmaking.
"Bookmaking " means advancing gambling activity by accepting bets upon the outcome of future contingent events as a business other than as permitted in chapters 99B, 99D, and 99F. These events include, but are not limited to, the results of a trial or contest of skill, speed, power, or endurance of a person or beast or between persons, beasts, fowl, motor vehicles, or mechanical apparatus or upon the result of any chance, casualty, unknown, or contingent event.
725.14 Exception for state racing and gaming commission and pari-mutuel betting.
This chapter does not prohibit the establishment and operation of a state racing and gaming commission and pari-mutuel betting on horse or dog races as provided in chapter 99D.
725.15 Exceptions for legal gambling.
Sections 725.5 to 725.10 and 725.12 do not apply to a game, activity, ticket, or device when lawfully possessed, used, conducted, or participated in pursuant to chapter 99B, 99F [pari-mutuel horse race wagering], or 99G [licensed riverboat gaming, etc.]
725.16 Gambling penalty.
A person who commits an offense declared in chapter 99B to be a misdemeanor shall be guilty of a serious misdemeanor.
725.17 Protection money prohibited.
Any officer or employee of this state, or of a county, city, or judicial district who asks for, receives or collects any money or other consideration for and with the understanding that the officer or employee will aid, exempt, or otherwise protect another person from detection, arrest or conviction of any violation of this chapter or chapter 99B commits an aggravated misdemeanor.
725.18 Collection service prohibited.
Any person who knowingly offers, gives or sells the person's services for use in collecting or enforcing any debt arising from gambling, whether or not lawful gambling, commits an aggravated misdemeanor.
725.19 Gambling by underage persons.
1. Any person under the age of twenty–one years shall not make or attempt to make a gambling wager, except as permitted under chapter 99B . A person who violates this subsection commits a scheduled violation under section 805.8C, subsection 5.
2. A person who knowingly permits a person under the age of twenty–one years to make or attempt to make a gambling wager, except as permitted under chapter 99B , is guilty of a simple misdemeanor.
99B.1 Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Amusement concession " means any place where a single game of skill or game of chance is conducted by a person for profit, and includes the area within which are confined the equipment, playing area and other personal property necessary for the conduct of the game.
2. "Amusement device " means an electrical or mechanical device possessed and used in accordance with section 99B.10 . When possessed and used in accordance with that section, an amusement device is not a game of skill or game of chance, and is not a gambling device.
3. "Applicant " means an individual or an organization.
4. "Authorized" means approved as a concession by the Iowa state fair board or a fair conducting a fair event as provided in chapter 174.
5. "Bingo " means a game, whether known as bingo or any other name, in which each participant uses one or more cards each of which is marked off into spaces arranged in horizontal and vertical rows of spaces, with each space being designated by number, letter, or combination of numbers and letters, no two cards being identical, with the players covering spaces as the operator of the game announces the number, letter, or combination of numbers and letters appearing on an object selected by chance, either manually or mechanically, from a receptacle in which have been placed objects bearing numbers, letters, or combinations of numbers and letters corresponding to the system used for designating the spaces, with the winner of each game being the player or players first properly covering a predetermined and announced pattern of spaces on a card being used by the player or players. Each determination of a winner by the method described in the preceding sentence is a single bingo game at any bingo occasion.
6. "Bingo occasion " means a single gathering or session at which successive bingo games are played. A bingo occasion commences when the operator of the game begins to announce the number, letter, or combination of numbers or letters through which the winner of a single bingo game will be determined.
7. "Bona fide social relationship " as used herein means a real, genuine, unfeigned social relationship between two or more persons wherein each person has an established knowledge of the other, which has not arisen for the purpose of gambling.
8. "Bookmaking " as used herein means the taking or receiving of any bet or wager upon the result of any trial or contest of skill, speed, power or endurance of human, beast, fowl or motor vehicle, which is not a wager or bet pursuant to section 99B.12 , subsection 2, paragraph "c", or which is laid off, placed, given, received or taken, by an individual who was not present when the wager or bet was undertaken, or by any publicly or privately owned enterprise where such wagers or bets may be undertaken.
9. A person "conducts " a specified activity if that person owns, promotes, sponsors, or operates a game or activity. A natural person does not "conduct" a game or activity if the person is merely a participant in a game or activity which complies with section 99B.12.
10. "Controlling shareholder " means either of the following:
a. A person who directly or indirectly owns or controls ten percent or more of any class of stock of a license applicant.
b. A person who directly or indirectly has an interest of ten percent or more in the ownership or profits of a license applicant.
11. "Department " means the department of inspections and appeals.
12. "Distributor " means, for the purposes of sections 99B.10 , 99B.10A , and 99B.10B , any person that owns electrical and mechanical amusement devices registered as provided in section 99B.10 , subsection 4, that are offered for use at more than a single location or premises.
13. a. "Eligible applicant " means an applicant who meets all of the following requirements:
(1) The applicant's financial standing and good reputation are within the standards established by the department by rule under chapter 17A so as to satisfy the director of the department that the applicant will comply with this chapter and the rules applicable to operations under it.
(2) The applicant is a citizen of the United States and a resident of this state, or a corporation licensed to do business in this state, or a business that has an established place of business in this state or that is doing business in this state.
(3) The applicant has not been convicted of a felony. However, if the applicant's conviction occurred more than five years before the date of the application for a license, and if the applicant's rights of citizenship have been restored by the governor, the director of the department may determine that the applicant is an eligible applicant.
b. If the applicant is an organization, then the requirements of paragraph "a", subparagraphs (1) through (3), apply to the officers, directors, partners and controlling shareholders of the organization.
14. "Fair" means an annual fair and exposition held by the Iowa state fair board and any fair event conducted by a fair under the provisions of chapter 174.
15. "Game of chance " means a game whereby the result is determined by chance and the player in order to win aligns objects or balls in a prescribed pattern or order or makes certain color patterns appear and specifically includes but is not limited to the game defined as bingo. Game of chance does not include a slot machine.
16. "Game of skill " means a game whereby the result is determined by the player directing or throwing objects to designated areas or targets, or by maneuvering water or an object into a designated area, or by maneuvering a dragline device to pick up particular items, or by shooting a gun or rifle.
17. "Gross receipts " means the total revenue received from the sale of rights to participate in a game of skill, game of chance, or raffle and admission fees or charges.
18. "Manufacturer " means, for the purposes of sections 99B.10 , 99B.10A , and 99B.10B , any person engaged in business in this state who originally produces an electrical and mechanical amusement device required to be registered under section 99B.10 , subsection 4, or individual components for use in such a device.
19. "Manufacturer's representative " means, for the purposes of sections 99B.10 , 99B.10A , and 99B.10B , any person engaged in business in this state who promotes or sells electrical and mechanical amusement devices required to be registered under section 99B.10 , subsection 4, or individual components for use in such devices on behalf of a manufacturer of such devices or components.
20. "Merchandise " includes lottery tickets or shares sold or authorized under chapter 99G . The value of the ticket or share is the price of the ticket or share as established by the Iowa lottery authority pursuant to chapter 99G .
21. "Net receipts" means gross receipts less amounts awarded as prizes and less state and local sales tax paid upon the gross receipts. Reasonable expenses, charges, fees, taxes other than the state and local sales tax, and deductions allowed by the department shall not exceed twenty-five percent of net receipts.
22. "Net rent " means the total rental charge minus reasonable expenses, charges, fees, and deductions allowed by the department.
23. "Owner " means, for the purposes of sections 99B.10A and 99B.10B , any person who owns an operable electrical and mechanical amusement device required to be registered under section 99B.10 , subsection 1, paragraph "f".
24. "Posted" means that the person conducting a game has caused to be placed near the front or playing area of the game a sign at least thirty inches by thirty inches, with permanent material and lettering, stating at the top in letters at least three inches high: "Rules of the Game". Thereunder there shall be set forth in large, easily readable print, the name of the game, the price to play the game, the complete rules for the game and the name and permanent mailing address of the owner of the game.
25. "Qualified organization" means any licensed organization which dedicates the net receipts of a game of skill, game of chance or raffle as provided in section 99B.7 and meets the requirements of section 99B.7 , subsection 1, paragraph"m" .
26. "Raffle " means a lottery in which each participant buys a ticket for a chance at a prize with the winner determined by a random method and the winner is not required to be present to win. "Raffle" does not include a slot machine.
27. "Social games " means and includes only the activities permitted by section 99B.12 , subsection 2.
28. "Unrelated entity " means a person that has a separate and distinct state charter and tax identification number from any other person and, if the person is an individual, an individual that is not related by law or by consanguinity.
99B.2 Licensing - records required - bingo accounts - inspections - penalties.
99B.3 Amusement concessions.
1. A game of skill or game of chance is lawful when conducted by a person at an amusement concession, but only if all of the following are complied with:
a. The location where the game is conducted by the person has been authorized as provided in section 99B.4 .b. The person conducting the game has submitted a license application and a fee of fifty dollars for each game, and has been issued a license for the game, and prominently displays the license at the playing area of the game. A license is valid for a period of one year from the date of issue.
c. Gambling other than the licensed game is not conducted or engaged in at the amusement concession.
d. The game is posted and the cost to play the game does not exceed three dollars.
e. A prize is not displayed which cannot be won.
f. Cash prizes are not awarded and merchandise prizes are not repurchased.
g. The game is not operated on a build-up or pyramid basis.
h. The actual retail value of any prize does not exceed fifty dollars. If a prize consists of more than one item, unit, or part, the aggregate retail value of all items, units, or parts shall not exceed fifty dollars.
i. Concealed numbers or conversion charts are not used to play the game and the game is not designed or adapted with any control device to permit manipulation of the game by the operator in order to prevent a player from winning or to predetermine who the winner will be, and the object target, block or object of the game must be attainable and possible to perform under the rules stated from the playing position of the player.
j. The game is conducted in a fair and honest manner.
It is lawful for an individual other than a person conducting the game to participate in a game of skill or game of chance conducted at an amusement concession, whether or not the amusement concession is conducted in compliance with subsection 1.
99B.4 Permitted locations of amusement concessions.
A game of skill or game of chance lawfully may be conducted by a person at an amusement concession, but only if the person has been authorized to conduct the game at a specific location as follows:
1. At a fair, by written permission given to the person by the sponsor of the fair.
2. At an amusement park so designated by resolution of the city council of a city or the board of supervisors of a county, by written permission given to the person by the respective city or county.
3. At a carnival, bazaar, centennial, or celebration sponsored by a bona fide civic group, service club, or merchants group when that event has been authorized by resolution of the city council of a city or the board of supervisors of a county, by written permission given to the person by the authorizing city or county. Section 99B.3 , subsection 1, paragraph "b", notwithstanding, a license may be issued for an event held pursuant to this paragraph at a fee of twenty-five dollars, which shall enable the sponsor of the event to conduct all games and raffles permitted under section 99B.3 for a specified period of fourteen consecutive calendar days.
99B.5 Raffles conducted at a fair.
99B.6 Games where liquor or beer is sold.
1. Except as provided in subsections 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, gambling is unlawful on premises for which a class "A", class "B", class "C", or class "D" liquor control license, or class "B" beer permit has been issued pursuant to chapter 123 unless all of the following are complied with:
a. The holder of the liquor control license or beer permit has submitted an application for a license and an application fee of one hundred fifty dollars, and has been issued a license, and prominently displays the license on the premises.b. The holder of the liquor control license or beer permit or any agent or employee of the license or permit holder does not participate in, sponsor, conduct or promote, or act as cashier or banker for any gambling activities, except as a participant while playing on the same basis as every other participant.
c. Gambling other than social games is not engaged in on the premises covered by the license or permit.
d. Concealed numbers or conversion charts are not used to play any game, and a game is not adapted with any control device to permit manipulation of the game by the operator in order to prevent a player from winning or to predetermine who the winner will be, and the object of the game is attainable and possible to perform under the rules stated from the playing position of the player.
e. The game must be conducted in a fair and honest manner.
f. No person receives or has any fixed or contingent right to receive, directly or indirectly, any amount wagered or bet or any portion of amounts wagered or bet, except an amount which the person wins as a participant while playing on the same basis as every other participant.
g. No cover charge, participation charge or other charge is imposed upon a person for the privilege of participating in or observing gambling, and no rebate, discount, credit, or other method is used to discriminate between the charge for the sale of goods or services to participants in gambling and the charge for the sale of goods or services to nonparticipants. Satisfaction of an obligation into which a member of an organization enters to pay at regular periodic intervals a sum fixed by that organization for the maintenance of that organization is not a charge which is prohibited by this paragraph.
h. No participant wins or loses more than a total of fifty dollars or more consideration equivalent thereto in one or more games or activities permitted by this section at any time during any period of twenty-four consecutive hours or over that entire period. For the purpose of this paragraph a person wins the total amount at stake in any game, wager or bet, regardless of any amount that person may have contributed to the amount at stake.
i. No participant is participating as an agent of another person.
j. A representative of the department or a law enforcement agency is immediately admitted, upon request, to the premises with or without advance notice.
k. A person under the age of twenty-one years shall not participate in the gambling except pursuant to sections 99B.3 , 99B.4 , 99B.5 , and 99B.7 . Any licensee knowingly allowing a person under the age of twenty-one to participate in the gambling prohibited by this paragraph or any person knowingly participating in gambling with a person under the age of twenty-one, is guilty of a simple misdemeanor.
2. The holder of a license issued pursuant to this section is strictly accountable for complying with subsection 1. Proof of an act constituting a violation is grounds for revocation of the license issued pursuant to this section if the holder of the license permitted the violation to occur when the licensee knew or had reasonable cause to know of the act constituting the violation.
3. A participant in a social game which is not in compliance with this section shall be liable for a criminal penalty only if that participant has knowledge of or reason to know the facts constituting the violation.
4. The holder of a license issued pursuant to this section and every agent of that licensee who is required by the licensee to exercise control over the use of the premises who knowingly permits or engages in acts or omissions which constitute a violation of subsection 1 commits a serious misdemeanor. A licensee has knowledge of acts or omissions if any agent of the licensee has knowledge of those acts or omissions.
5. Lottery tickets or shares authorized pursuant to chapter 99G may be sold on the premises of an establishment that serves or sells alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer as defined in section 123.3 .
6. A qualified organization may conduct games of skill, games of chance, or raffles pursuant to section 99B.7 in an establishment that serves or sells alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer as defined in section 123.3 if the games or raffles are conducted pursuant to this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter.
7. The holder of a liquor control license or beer permit may conduct a sports betting pool if the game is publicly displayed and the rules of the game, including the cost per participant and the amount of the winning is conspicuously displayed on or near the pool. No participant may wager more than five dollars and the maximum winnings to all participants from the pool shall not exceed five hundred dollars. The provisions of subsection 1, except paragraphs "c" and "h" and the prohibition of the use of concealed numbers in paragraph "d" , are applicable to pools conducted under this subsection. If a pool permitted by this subsection involves the use of concealed numbers, the numbers shall be selected by a random method and no person shall be aware of the numbers at the time wagers are made in the pool. All moneys wagered shall be awarded to participants. For purposes of this subsection, "pool" means a game in which the participants select a square on a grid corresponding to numbers on two intersecting sides of the grid and winners are determined by whether the square selected corresponds to numbers relating to an athletic event in the manner prescribed by the rules of the game.
8. Gambling games authorized under chapter 99F may be conducted on an excursion gambling boat which is licensed as an establishment that serves or sells alcoholic beverages, wine, or beer as defined in section 123.3 if the gambling games are conducted pursuant to chapter 99F and rules adopted under chapter 99F . Notwithstanding section 123.3 , subsection 26, paragraph "b" , a person holding a federal gambling permit and licensed to conduct gambling games pursuant to chapter 99F may hold a liquor license.
9. Pari-mutuel wagering authorized under chapter 99D may be conducted within a racetrack enclosure which is licensed as an establishment that serves or sells alcoholic beverages as defined in section 123.3 if the pari-mutuel wagering is conducted pursuant to chapter 99D and rules adopted under chapter 99D.
99B.7 Games conducted by qualified organizations - penalties.
99B.8 Annual game night.
1. Games of skill, games of chance, card games and raffles lawfully may be conducted during a period of twelve consecutive hours once each year by any person. The games or raffles may be conducted at any location except one for which a license is required pursuant to section 99B.3 or section 99B.5 , but only if all of the following are complied with:
a. The sponsor of the event has been issued a license pursuant to subsection 3 and prominently displays that license on the premises covered by the license.
b. A bona fide social or employment relationship exists between the sponsor and all of the participants.
c. No participant pays any consideration of any nature, either directly or indirectly, to participate in the games.
d. All money or other items wagered are provided to the participant free by the sponsor.
e. The person conducting the game receives no consideration, either directly or indirectly, other than goodwill.
f. During the entire time activities permitted by this section are being engaged in, no other gambling is engaged in at the same location.
2. The other provisions of this section notwithstanding, if the games are conducted by a qualified organization also licensed under section 99B.7 , the sponsor may charge an entrance fee or a fee to participate in the games, and participants may wager their own funds and pay an entrance or other fee for participation, provided that a participant may not expend more than a total of two hundred fifty dollars for all fees and wagers. The provisions of section 99B.7 , subsection 3, paragraphs "b" and "c" , shall apply to games conducted by a qualified organization pursuant to this section.
3. The department of inspections and appeals may issue a license pursuant to this section only once during a calendar year to any one person. The license may be issued only upon submission to the department of an application and a license fee of twenty-five dollars.
4. However, an organization may sponsor one or more game nights using play money for participation by students without the organization obtaining a license otherwise required by this section if the organization obtains prior approval for the game night from the board of directors of the accredited public school or the authorities in charge of the nonpublic school accredited by the state board of education for whose students the game night is to be held.
5. However, notwithstanding subsection 1, paragraphs "b" and "c" , if the games are conducted by a qualified organization issued a license pursuant to subsection 3, the sponsor may charge an entrance fee to a participant and the sponsor need not have a bona fide social relationship with the participant.
6. a. Notwithstanding any provision of section 99B.7 to the contrary, if the games are conducted by an eligible qualified organization issued a license pursuant to subsection 3, the sponsor may award cash or merchandise prizes in any games of skill, games of chance, or card games lawfully conducted during the annual game night in an aggregate amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars and no participant shall win more than a total of five thousand dollars.
b. For purposes of this subsection, an "eligible qualified organization" means any of the following:
(1) A qualified organization representing veterans as defined in section 99B.7B.
(2) A qualified organization that represents volunteer emergency services providers as defined in section 100B.31.
(3) A qualified organization that is exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and that has conducted an annual game night during the period beginning January 1, 2001, and ending December 31, 2006.
99B.9 Gambling in public places.
1. Except as otherwise permitted by section 99B.3, 99B.5, 99B.6, 99B.7, 99B.8, 99B.11, or 99B.12A, it is unlawful to permit gambling on any premises owned, leased, rented, or otherwise occupied by a person other than a government, governmental agency or subdivision, unless all of the following are complied with:
a. The person occupying the premises as an owner or tenant has submitted an application for a license and an application fee of one hundred dollars, and has been issued a license for those premises, and prominently displays the license on the premises.
b. The holder of the license or any agent or employee of the license holder does not participate in, sponsor, conduct, or promote, or act as cashier or banker for any gambling activities.
c. Gambling other than social games is not engaged in on the premises covered by the license or permit.
d. Concealed numbers or conversion charts are not used to play any game, and a game is not adapted with any control device to permit manipulation of the game by the operator in order to prevent a player from winning or to predetermine who the winner will be, and the object of the game is attainable and possible to perform under the rules stated from the playing position of the player.
e. The game must be conducted in a fair and honest manner.
f. No person receives or has any fixed or contingent right to receive directly or indirectly any amount wagered or bet or any portion of amounts wagered or bet, except an amount which the person wins as a participant while playing on the same basis as every other participant.
g. No cover charge, participation charge or other charge is imposed upon a person for the privilege of participating in or observing gambling, and no rebate, discount, credit, or other method is used to discriminate between the charge for the sale of goods or services to participants in gambling and the charge for the sale of goods or services to nonparticipants. Satisfaction of an obligation into which a member of an organization enters to pay at regular periodic intervals a sum fixed by that organization for the maintenance of that organization is not a charge which is prohibited by this paragraph.
h. No participant wins or loses more than a total of fifty dollars or other consideration equivalent thereto in all games and activities at any one time during any period of twenty-four consecutive hours or over that entire period. For the purpose of this paragraph, a person wins the total amount at stake in any game, wager or bet, regardless of any amount that person may have contributed to the amount at stake.
i. No participant is participating as an agent of another person.
j. A representative of the department or a law enforcement agency is immediately admitted, upon request, to the premises with or without advance notice.
2. The holder of a license issued pursuant to this section shall be strictly accountable for maintaining compliance with subsection 1, and proof of any violation shall constitute grounds for revocation of the license issued pursuant to this section, whether or not the holder of the license had knowledge of the facts constituting the violation.
3. A participant in a social game which is not in compliance with this section shall be liable for a criminal penalty only if that participant has knowledge of or reason to know the facts constituting the violation.
4. The holder of a license issued pursuant to this section and every agent of that licensee who is required by the licensee to exercise control over the use of the premises who knowingly permits acts or omissions which constitute a violation of subsection 1 commits a serious misdemeanor. A licensee has knowledge of acts or omissions if any agent of the licensee has knowledge of those acts or omissions.
5. This section shall not apply to premises or portions of premises constituting the living quarters of the actual residence of an individual if that individual is a participant in the activities permitted by this section.
99B.9A Exceptions for certain areas.
99B.10A Electrical and mechanical amusement device manufacturers, distributors, and for-profit owners - registration.
1. A person engaged in business in this state as a manufacturer, manufacturer's representative, distributor, or for-profit owner of electrical and mechanical amusement devices required to be registered as provided in section 99B.10 , subsection 4, shall register with the department. Each person who registers with the department under this section shall pay an annual registration fee in an amount as provided in subsection 2. Registration shall be submitted on forms designated by the department that shall contain the information required by the department by rule. The department shall adopt rules providing for the submission of information to the department by a person registered pursuant to this section if information in the initial registration is changed, including discontinuing the business in this state.
2. For purposes of this section, the annual registration fee shall be as follows:
a. For a manufacturer or manufacturer's representative, two thousand five hundred dollars.
b. For a distributor, five thousand dollars.
c. For an owner of no more than two electrical and mechanical amusement devices registered as provided in section 99B.10, subsection 4, at a single location or premises that is not an organization that meets the requirements of section 99B.7, subsection 1, paragraph "m" , two thousand five hundred dollars.
99B.10B Revocation of registration - electrical and mechanical amusement devices - suspension of liquor license or beer permit.
1. The department may revoke a registration issued pursuant to section 99B.10 or 99B.10A, for a period not to exceed two years, for cause, following at least ten days' written notice and opportunity for an evidentiary hearing, pursuant to rules adopted by the department. The rules shall provide that a registration may be revoked if the registrant or agent of the registrant violates, or permits a violation, of section 99B.10 or 99B.10A, violates any rule adopted by the department under this chapter that the department determines should warrant revocation of the registration, or engages in any act or omission that would have permitted the department to refuse to issue a registration under section 99B.10 or 99B.10A.
2. The department shall revoke a registration issued pursuant to section 99B.10 or 99B.10A, for a period of ten years following at least ten days' written notice and opportunity for an evidentiary hearing, if a person awards a cash prize in violation of section 99B.10, subsection 1, pursuant to rules adopted by the department. A person whose registration is revoked under this subsection who is a person for which a class "A", class "B", class "C", or class "D" liquor control license has been issued pursuant to chapter 123 shall have the person's liquor control license suspended for a period of fourteen days in the same manner as provided in section 123.50, subsection 3, paragraph "a" . In addition, a person whose registration is revoked under this subsection who is a person for which only a class "B" or class "C" beer permit has been issued pursuant to chapter 123 shall have the person's class "B" or class "C" beer permit suspended and that person's sales tax permit suspended for a period of fourteen days in the same manner as provided in section 123.50, subsection 3, paragraph "a"
99B.10C Electrical and mechanical amusement devices - persons under twenty-one - penalties.
1. A person under the age of twenty-one years shall not participate in the operation of an electrical and mechanical amusement device. A person who violates this subsection commits a scheduled violation under section 805.8C , subsection 4.
2. A person owning or leasing an electrical and mechanical amusement device who knowingly allows a person under the age of twenty-one years to participate in the operation of an electrical and mechanical amusement device, or a person who knowingly participates in the operation of an electrical and mechanical amusement device, with a person under the age of twenty-one years is guilty of a simple misdemeanor.
3. For purposes of this section, an electrical and mechanical amusement device means an electrical and mechanical amusement device required to be registered as provided in section 99B.10, subsection 1, paragraph "f".
99B.10D Electrical and mechanical amusement devices - special fund.
Fees collected by the department pursuant to sections 99B.10 and 99B.10A shall be deposited in a special fund created in the state treasury. Moneys in the fund are appropriated to the department of inspections and appeals and the department of public safety for administration and enforcement of sections 99B.10 , 99B.10A , 99B.10B , and 99B.10C , including employment of necessary personnel. The distribution of moneys in the fund to the department of inspections and appeals and the department of public safety shall be pursuant to a written policy agreed upon by the departments. Notwithstanding section 12C.7 , subsection 2, interest or earnings on moneys deposited in the fund shall be credited to the fund. Notwithstanding section 8.33 , moneys remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund of the state
99B.11 Bona fide contests.
1. It is lawful for a person to conduct any of the contests specified in subsection 2, and to offer and pay awards to persons winning in those contests whether or not entry fees, participation fees, or other charges are assessed against or collected from the participants, but only if all of the following are complied with:
a. The contest is not held at an amusement concession.
b. No gambling device is used in conjunction with, or incident to the contest.
c. The contest is not conducted in whole or in part on or in any property subject to chapter 297 , relating to schoolhouses and schoolhouse sites, unless the contest and the person conducting the contest has the express written approval of the governing body of that school district.
d. The contest is conducted in a fair and honest manner. A contest shall not be designed or adapted to permit the operator of the contest to prevent a participant from winning or to predetermine who the winner will be, and the object of the contest must be attainable and possible to perform under the rules stated.
2. A contest is not lawful unless it is one of the following contests:
a. Athletic or sporting contests, leagues or tournaments, rodeos, horse shows, golf, bowling, trap or skeet shoots, fly casting, tractor pulling, rifle, pistol, musket, muzzle-loader, pool, darts, archery, and horseshoe contests, leagues, or tournaments.
b. Horse races, harness racing, ski, airplane, snowmobile, raft, boat, bicycle and motor vehicle races.
c. Contests or exhibitions of cooking, horticulture, livestock, poultry, fish or other animals, artwork, hobbywork or craftwork, except those prohibited by chapter 717A.
d. Cribbage, bridge, chess, checkers, dominoes, pinochle and similar contests, leagues or tournaments. The provisions of this paragraph are retroactive to August 15, 1975.
e. A video machine golf tournament game which is an interactive bona fide contest. A player operates a video machine golf tournament game with a trackball assembly which acts as the golfer's swing and determines the results of play and tournament scores. A video machine golf tournament game is capable of receiving program and data information from an off-site location. A tournament operator shall prominently display all tournament rules.
3. A poker, blackjack, craps, keno, or roulette contest, league, or tournament shall not be considered a bona fide contest under this section.
99B.12 Games between individuals.
1. Except in instances where because of the location of the game or the circumstances of the game section 99B.3, section 99B.5, section 99B.6, section 99B.7, section 99B.8, or section 99B.9 is applicable, individuals may participate in gambling specified in subsection 2, but only if all of the following are complied with:
a. The gambling is incidental to a bona fide social relationship between all participants.
b. The gambling is not participated in, either wholly or in part, on or in any property subject to chapter 297, relating to schoolhouses and schoolhouse sites.
c. All participants in the gambling are individuals, and no participant may participate as the agent of another person.
d. The gambling shall be fair and honest, and shall not be designed, devised or adapted to permit predetermination of the winner, or to prevent a participant from winning, and no concealed numbers or conversion charts may be used to determine the winner of any game.
e. No person receives or has any fixed or contingent right to receive, directly or indirectly, any profit, remuneration, or compensation from or as a result of the gambling, except any amount which the person may win as a participant on the same basis as the other participants.
f. No person may participate in any wager, bet or pool which relates to an athletic event or contest and which is authorized or sponsored by one or more schools, educational institutions, or interscholastic athletic organizations if the person is a coach, official, player or contestant in the athletic event or contest.
g. No participant wins or loses more than a total of fifty dollars or other consideration equivalent thereto in one or more games or activities permitted by this section at any time during any period of twenty-four consecutive hours or over that entire period. For the purpose of this paragraph a person wins the total amount at stake in any game, wager or bet, regardless of any amount that person may have contributed to the amount at stake.
h. No participant pays an entrance fee, cover charge, or other charge for the privilege of participating in gambling, or for the privilege of gaining access to the location in which gambling occurs.
i. In any game requiring a dealer or operator, the participants must have the option to take their turn at dealing or operating the game in a regular order according to the standard rules of the game.
2. Games which are permitted by this section are limited to the following:
a. Card and parlor games, including but not limited to poker, pinochle, pitch, gin rummy, bridge, euchre, hearts, cribbage, dominoes, checkers, chess, backgammon, pool, and darts. However, it shall be unlawful gambling for any person to engage in bookmaking, or to play any punchboard, pushcard, pull-tab, or slot machine, or to play craps, chuck-a-luck, roulette, klondike, blackjack, chemin de fer, baccarat, faro, equality, three-card monte, or any other game, except poker, which is customarily played in gambling casinos and in which the house customarily provides a banker, dealer, or croupier to operate the game, or a specially designed table upon which to play the game.
b. Games of skill and games of chance, except those prohibited by paragraph "a" of this subsection.
c. Wagers or bets between two or more individuals who are physically in the presence of each other with respect to a contest specified in section 99B.11, subsection 2, except as provided in subsection 1, paragraph "g", or with respect to any other event or outcome which does not depend upon gambling or the use of a gambling device unlawful in this state.
3. An individual may not be convicted of a violation of this section unless the individual had knowledge of or reason to know the facts constituting the violation.
99B.13 Administrative rules.
The department may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to carry out the provisions of this chapter. Rules adopted by the department may include but are not limited to the following:
1. Descriptions of books, records and accounting required.
2. Requirements for qualified organizations.
3. Methods of displaying costs and explanations of games and rules.
4. Defining unfair or dishonest games, acts or practices.
99B.14 License denial, suspension, and revocation.
1. The department may deny, suspend, or revoke a license if the department finds that an applicant, licensee, or an agent of the licensee violated or permitted a violation of a provision of this chapter or a departmental rule adopted pursuant to chapter 17A , or for any other cause for which the director of the department would be or would have been justified in refusing to issue a license, or upon the conviction of a person of a violation of this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter which occurred on the licensed premises. However, the denial, suspension, or revocation of one type of gambling license does not require, but may result in, the denial, suspension, or revocation of a different type of gambling license held by the same licensee. In addition, a person whose license is revoked under this section who is a person for which a class "A", class "B", class "C", or class "D" liquor control license has been issued pursuant to chapter 123 shall have the person's liquor control license suspended for a period of fourteen days in the same manner as provided in section 123.50 , subsection 3, paragraph "a" . In addition, a person whose license is revoked under this section who is a person for which only a class "B" or class "C" beer permit has been issued pursuant to chapter 123 shall have the person's class "B" or class "C" beer permit suspended and that person's sales tax permit suspended for a period of fourteen days in the same manner as provided in section 123.50 , subsection 3, paragraph "a."
2. The process for denial, suspension, or revocation of a license shall commence by delivering to the applicant or licensee by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by personal service a notice setting forth the particular reasons for such action.
a. If a written request for a hearing is not received within thirty days after the mailing or service of the notice, the denial, suspension, or revocation of a license shall become effective pending a final determination by the department. The determination involved in the notice may be affirmed, modified, or set aside by the department in a written decision.
b. If a request for a hearing is timely received by the department, the applicant or licensee shall be given an opportunity for a prompt and fair hearing before the department and the denial, suspension, or revocation shall be deemed suspended until the department makes a final determination. However, the director may suspend a license prior to a hearing if the director finds that the public integrity of the licensed activity is compromised or there is a risk to public health, safety, or welfare. In addition, at any time during or prior to the hearing the department may rescind the notice of the denial, suspension, or revocation upon being satisfied that the reasons for the denial, suspension, or revocation have been or will be removed. On the basis of any such hearing, the determination involved in the notice may be affirmed, modified, or set aside by the department in a written decision.
3. A copy of the final decision of the department shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or served personally upon the applicant or licensee. The applicant or licensee may seek judicial review in accordance with the terms of the Iowa administrative procedure Act, chapter 17A .
4. The procedure governing hearings authorized by this section shall be in accordance with the rules promulgated by the department and chapter 17A .
5. If the department finds cause for denial of a license, the applicant may not reapply for the same license for a period of two years. If the department finds cause for suspension, the license shall be suspended for a period determined by the department. If the department finds cause for revocation, the license shall be revoked for a period not to exceed two years.
99B.15 Applicability of chapter - penalty.
It is the intent and purpose of this chapter to authorize gambling in this state only to the extent specifically permitted by a section of this chapter or chapter 99D , 99F , or 99G . Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the knowing failure of any person to comply with the limitations imposed by this chapter constitutes unlawful gambling, a serious misdemeanor.
99B.16 Failure to maintain or submit records.
A licensee who willfully fails to maintain the records when required by section 99B.2 , or who willfully fails to submit records when required by that section commits a serious misdemeanor.
99B.17 Gambling on credit unlawful.
A person who tenders and a person who receives any promise, agreement, note, bill, bond, contract, mortgage or other security, or any negotiable instrument, as consideration for any wager or bet, whether or not lawfully conducted or engaged in pursuant to this chapter, commits a misdemeanor. However, a participant in a bingo occasion or in a contest lawful under section 99B.11 may make payment by personal check for any entry or participation fee assessed by the sponsor of the bingo occasion or contest.
99B.18 Company games.
Games of skill, games of chance, and card games may be conducted on premises either licensed or unlicensed and no license fee shall be required if a bona fide social, employment, trade or professional association relationship exists between the sponsors and the participants and the participants pay no consideration of any nature, either directly or indirectly, to participate in the games, and only play money or other items of no intrinsic value which may be wagered are provided to the participant free, and the sponsor conducting the game receives no consideration, either directly or indirectly, other than goodwill.
A gambling device intended for use or used as provided in this section is exempt from the provisions of section 725.9 , subsection 2.
99B.19 Attorney general and county attorney - prosecution.
Upon request of the department of inspections and appeals or the division of criminal investigation of the department of public safety, the attorney general shall institute in the name of the state the proper proceedings against a person charged by either department with violating this chapter, and a county attorney, at the request of the attorney general, shall appear and prosecute an action when brought in the county attorney's county.
99B.20 Division of criminal investigation.
The division of criminal investigation of the department of public safety may investigate to determine licensee compliance with the requirements of this chapter. Investigations may be conducted either on the criminal investigation division's own initiative or at the request of the department of inspections and appeals. The criminal investigation division and the department of inspections and appeals shall cooperate to the maximum extent possible on an investigation.
99B.21 Tax on prizes.
All prizes awarded are Iowa earned income and are subject to state and federal income tax laws. A person conducting a game of skill, game of chance, or a raffle shall deduct state income taxes, pursuant to section 422.16 , subsection 1, from a cash prize awarded to an individual. An amount deducted from the prize for payment of a state tax shall be remitted to the department of revenue on behalf of the prize winner.
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- Altoona Casinos1
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- Council Bluffs Casinos3
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- Waterloo Casinos1
- Licensed Casinos: 25
- Horse Tracks: 2
- Licensed Bingo: 3
- Table games: 489
- Slot machines: 21,726
- Poker tables: 83
- Simulcasting: 4
- Greyhound Tracks: 1
- Cities with Gambling: 21
- Sportsbetting Parlours: 7
- Casino Hotels: 15
- Venues: 40
- Restaurants: 76
- Minimum Bet: $ 0.01
- Maximum Bet: $ 10000
- Total Casino sq/ft: 902,630 sq/ft
- Total Convention sq/ft: 139,509 sq/ft