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About Germany Gaming

Germany Casinos & German Gambling Scene

The country boasts of around seventy six legal gambling centers. Most of the gambling occurs in casinos and on the special casinos cruises. These include pari-mutuel centers and casinos.  After 1990 gambling in Germany improved considerably and many casinos sprung up in different parts of the country.

Casinos in Germany

Casinos in Germany are abounding. Almost all the casinos are particular about maintaining strict dress code. Men are not allowed inside in blue jeans, sneakers or sandals. A tie is a must for entering into some of the casinos like Spielbank Baden-Baden, Spielbank Aachen, and Casino Berlin & Forum Hotel Berlin. All the casinos in Germany require you to show your ID proof or passport. Most of the casinos have a specified the age limit and do not allow people below the age of 18. Some of the casinos in Germany also charge their visitors a small entrance fee. You also need to sign a debt guarantee note in for any dues or debts you may have during the course of your gambling endeavors.

Casinos in Germany have around 80 to 150 slots. For instance Bayerische Spielbank Bad Füssing has 84 slots, where as Spielbank Berlin Has 100 slots. On the other hand Casino Bad Oeynhausen has more than 140 slots and Spielbank Baden-Baden has 128 slots and 15 table games.

The most favorite table games in Germany are American Roulette, Baccarat, Blackjack, French Roulette, German Roulette, Poker and its variants. Besides slots and table games, casinos in Germany also offer Bar, restaurants, nightclubs and discotheques for complete entertainment of the visitors.

Poker in Germany

Poker is a very popular game in Germany. People over here prefer playing Texas Holdem and No Limit Holdem above all other variants of Poker. Omaha and 7 Card Stud Poker are also quite famous in Germany.

Casino Aachen and Spielbank Baden-Baden offer 2 tables for Poker while Bayerische Spielbank Bad Füssing offers just 1 table for the game. 2 tables for Poker are also available in Berlin in Casino Spielbank Berlin. While in Hamburg, Casino Reeperbahn offers 1 table for Poker and 1 table particularly dedicated to 7 Card Stud Poker. Even Spielbank Bad Bentheim offers 2 tables dedicated to 7 Card Stud Poker.

Germany also hosts special Poker tournaments like the Everest Poker European Championship where the prize pool is of 50,000 Euros.

Pari-mutuel in Germany

Germany has a plethora of options in Pari-mutuel activities and the betting market over here is experiencing an incessant evolution. Betting activities in Germany are fast growing as with each passing day more and more people are indulging in Pari-mutuel activities, pushing this sport more into public attention. People are betting almost in anything including Germany’s victory in the FIFA world cup 2006.

According to market experts, Pari-Mutuel alone accounts for 5-10% of the total German gambling market. The Private operators enjoy a share which is more than 70% of betting sales revenues.

Horse Racing

Germany has a superfluity of Horse Racing tracks. There are over 50 horse tracks in Germany. While Bad Doberan Racecourse and Bad Harzburg, are some of the most famous horse tracks, Hoppegarten Racecourse is a turf horse track in Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten, famous for thoroughbred racing.

Gambling Law in Germany

Gambling is legalized in Germany. Gambling law has been announced in Germany through 3 key judgment areas namely: Laara, Zenatti and Schindler. For instance, lotteries can not be conducted for personal or commercial gain. Rather these events would be conducted solely for charitable, sporting or cultural purposes.

Germany is a country in Western Europe with legal gambling. There are 73 cities with gambling facilities in Germany which have 91 legal gambling facilities available in total.

The types of gambling available in Germany are: casinos, sportsbetting parlours.

The largest gambling city in Germany is Berlin with 5 gambling facilities, 39 tables games, 1,165 gaming, slot, and video poker machines.
The largest casino in the entire country of Germany is Spielbank Berlin - Fernsehturm which is located in Berlin. Spielbank Berlin - Fernsehturm has 20 table games, 20 poker tables, 555 gaming and video poker machines.

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Germany Stats

  • Licensed Casinos: 91
  • Horse Tracks: 0
  • Licensed Bingo: 40
  • Lotteries: 2
  • Table games: 414
  • Slot machines: 9,758
  • Poker tables: 176
  • Simulcasting: 0
  • Greyhound Tracks: 0
  • Cities with Gambling: 73
  • Sportsbetting Parlours: 1
  • Casino Hotels: 9
  • Venues: 44
  • Restaurants: 42
  • Minimum Bet: USD 0.01
  • Maximum Bet: USD 500
  • Total Casino sq/ft: 819,844 sq/ft
Gambling Board: Schleswig-Holstein