The World of Backgammon - Introduction to Gammon

08:14 Jul 17th, 2018 Land Based
Backgammon, the two-player board game, played for fun and money all over the world is now gaining significant popularity in the gambling community. Gamblers who might enjoy playing other games like poker have found an interest in the game of Backgammon. Online backgammon in particular is gaining enormous grounds. Backgammon is considered to be a game more of skill than luck and gamblers consequently have been betting on backgammon games for many years. The rules of playing backgammon are relatively simple so learning how to play backgammon is a snap for most.
World Casino Directory's introduction to backgammon page is for expert backgammon players and beginning backgammon players alike. Here we will try to explain the game of backgammon which is simple to learn yet complex to master. Our backgammon tips and backgammon strategies should work playing online backgammon or in real backgammon games.
Many people are playing backgammon for free everyday, but did you know online backgammon is becoming very popular as a betting sport? Visit Gammon Empire for a peek into the world of internet backgammon / online backgammon. You can play free or signup and play backgammon for real money. It's almost a cult movement like poker was in the early 90's before it really caught on.
Here at WCD we have listed for you the rules of backgammon, backgammon strategy articles, places to play online backgammon for real money, the history of backgammon, backgammon in the news and even a few other pages of information for you to look through. We have a complete backgammon dictionary for you, too.
The plan is to eventually put a new free online backgammon game in World Casino Directory's free casino in the near future. We believe backgammon has been in the "background" for far to long. Backgammon is a perfect betting game and online backgammon is currently proving it. World Casino Directory is jumping on board the backgammon craze early. We think you should, too.
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