The Rest of The Story

Geno Lawrenzi 03:39 Sep 23rd, 2021 Land Based Online Gambling
Luck is a factor in life and it is everything to a gambler. When luck
is with you, few things can go against you. And when good luck
turns to bad, there is little you can do except pray.
Everybody has heard the expression "Old soldiers never die. They just fade away." I think that is also true of poker players.
Paul Harvey was a famed radio newsman who came up with the expression known as the 'rest of the story." He went behind a story of interest and told the rest of the story. As my readers realize, I am known for telling the true story of gambling. I share my experiences with my readers and let the chips fall where they may.
I have had a pretty remarkable career as a poker player and gambler. I've been leading this life for over 50 years. It has been rewarding, and tinged with excitement. I have been up, down and generally in the black over the years.
But lately things have changed.
True Story of Poker & Gambling
Admittedly, there have been more downs than ups. Somebody once said the cards have a mind of their own. You can go into a decline and nothing you do can change it. When it happens, you can either stop playing or find yourself a quiet tropical island to contemplate your misery.
My reason for this blue funk was inspired by a recent trip I made to BestBet, a card room in Jacksonville, FL. There I play pot limit Omaha eight or better., which has always been a good game for me.
I once won a $42,000 Omaha High-Low tournament in Tunica, TN. That thrilled me and I was convinced THIS was my game.
Forget it. I am going back to the drawing boards.
Like it or not, age is a factor in poker. The older you get, the more your ability to roll with the punches dissipates. You need energy, guts and luck to play good poker. Yesterday's home runs don't win today's ball games.
So, I am going to lick my wounds and slink back to my cave. But I am not completely giving up the game. I will still play tournaments. It's funny about poker. You can still hang in and get lucky for certain spurts of energy. One nice thing about a tournament is that a little luck can take you a long way. You can win a couple of thousand on an $80 investment.
Losing Streak
If you are on a losing streak, my best advice to you is to withdraw. Pull back for a brief while. There is no reason to force your hand. Poker is a voluntary game. While there will always be a winner, there is no law that says it has to be you.
Somebody once said God gives only a certain percentage of luck to every person. Well and good. But the luck factor can run out. When it does, there is little you can do about it except pray.
You can be assured of one thing:
When my luck changes, you can rest assured that when this changes, you'll be hearing about it. Rest assured of that factor.
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