Circus, Clowns and Casinos

01:51 Jun 6th, 2020 Online Gambling
Gamblers around the country are sitting on the edges of their chairs waiting
for something to happen. They are like kids waiting for the candy store to
open. I am talking about the end of Coronavirus.
When you were a child growing up in your home town, didn't you just love it when the circus came to town?
It started with the posters:
They would be tacked up on telephone poles and trees for miles in a geographic area that surrounded the circus grounds. They would be put up in windows of dozens of businesses -- the local drug store, restaurants, the bowling alley.
Then would come the parade:
It would be led by elephants, followed by red-nosed clowns, tigers, giraffes, beautiful girls in lace stockings and tights, and horses. Taking up the rear would be laborers with shovels to scoop up the doodad left by the animals.
Gambling casinos are like circuses in many ways:
They have attractions (slot machines, wheels, board games and a poker room).
They have clowns (dealers in starched shirts, string ties and garters). And they have cash bonuses to attract customers on certain dates at certain times.
Well, I am waiting for the Coronavirus epidemic ;to vanish so the casinos can re-open.
And I am waiting eagerly to see what casinos like The Meadows, River Downs, BestBet, The Orleans, Palace Station, Caesar's Palace and others will do to create a buzz and sufficient excitement to fill the circus tents once again.
There is no question that the casino marketing people are preparing to re-open the casinos. They are just waiting for President Trump and the governors of the various states like Nevada, New Jersey, Florida, Arizona and New Mexico to lift the ban and allow the public to once again congregate in public places.
People were born to mingle. They were born to gather together and rub shoulders, shake hands, embrace, drink, gamble and even occasionally fight. It's all part of the human condition. It's all part of being alive.
I know my brother Legs is waiting for The Meadows to re-open. He claims the closing doesn't bother him, but I know it does. Every few days he reminds me of how long it has been since we were at the casino. It's maddening, but that is my brother. He wears his emotions on his sleeve.
My personal hope is that the casinos will create more games of skill and operate fewer where pure chance is the factor that determines winners and losers.
Wouldn't it be something if we could enter a casino where we had a real chance to win? Staggering thought, isn't it? But that is my hope.
If Benny Binion, the creator of Binion's Horseshoe and the World Series of Poker, was still alive, I can just guess at what he would come up with. I know whatever he offered to the public would far surpass the generosity of his competition. And Johnny Moss would be smiling from whatever cloud God or the guy from the other place prepared for him to rest on throughout eternity.
Oh, well, enough conjecture.
The circus is coming to town with its clowns, color and promises. Let's just hope at least some of the promises turn out to be real.
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