Steve Curtis
Steve Curtis is an Amateur Poker Player and writer - he is also a moderator at World Casino Directory residing over the Jacksonville, Flordia gambling scene.
The Basics of Betting on Football
Jul 14, 2018
Sports Betting
Betting on sports is a billion dollar business in the United States alone and by far the most popular sport that people love to bet on is football. Every September both at the...
Starting Your Poker Dynasty, Part 2
May 15, 2006
In the last article we talked about setting goals, bankroll management, player notes and tracking software. In this article we will look at the value of position. This is a large...
Starting Your Poker Dynasty Part 1
May 06, 2006
This is an article well more of a guide to help the rookie to novice poker player hone your skills to make that jump to the next level. That next level, being able to feel...