John Grochowski
He’s the author of seven books on gaming, with the latest being the revised edition of The Slot Machine Answer Book. Released in the summer of 2005, it’s the lastest in his series that includes The Video Poker Answer Book, The Craps Answer Book and The Casino Answer Book.
For Slot Players, These are the good old days
Nov 23, 2006
I have been spending spare moments recently "freshening" a book I wrote in 1996. A little freshening is all the table games chapters are taking. But if you've been playing slot...
Video Poker Pay Table Variations
Sep 16, 2006
Video Poker
Within every video poker game theme, there are pay table variations. Online or offline, the screen may say Jacks or Better, but does the full house pay 9-for-1 or 8-for-1; does...
Pop Slots 2
Aug 23, 2006
Comedy, cartoons, game shows, advertising --- it seems anything from our television past can spark the imaginations of slot machine designers. More important, the TV-themed slots...
Rare Streak Counts as Big Positive
Jun 17, 2006
Video Poker
When I play video poker, I count things. Sometimes I'll track one-card flush draws -- how many I attempt, and how many I make. Online gaming, offline gaming --- it doesn't matter...
You Needn’t Outthink Computer to Win
May 30, 2006
Video Poker
I wouldn't call Bob a friend. He's a friendly acquaintance, someone I've met several times at book signings. Video poker is his game, and he loves the variety he can find in...
Slot Machine Myths
Apr 14, 2006
Have you ever felt you might win more at the slot machines by playing only one coin at a time? Have you ever shied away from playing a game after a sizable win, thinking it has to...
Video Poker: Get the Most Out of Double Bonus Poker
Mar 15, 2006
Video Poker
There is no one perfect strategy for video poker. When we check our online gaming options and finds a game with a higher than usual payoff on flushes, we must adjust our strategy...
Bonus for Slot Players: A Quick Quiz
Feb 26, 2006
Whether you’re hunting for jackpots, out to have fun with bonus rounds that play much like arcade games or just taking a break from poker or blackjack, chances are...