Are You Ready For Poker?

Geno Lawrenzi 08:11 Oct 5th, 2020 Poker
(Las Vegas is struggling for a complete re-opening. It won't be
easy, but it's going to happen, with the help of all the poker
players. Are you ready for it to happen?)
This has been a long year, hasn’t it?
Anybody who thought this global health crisis would be a passing fancy has turned out to be wrong. Whether it is a real crisis, or a largely manmade one is irrelevant. Just walk down the street of any town or city in America and you will see what I am talking about.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt came up with one of the greatest quotes of all time, when he said:
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
I have been trying to get back in the saddle when it comes to poker, but admittedly it has not been easy. The game has changed and so have the players. It's almost like being in Alice in Wonderland.
"Hey, it's a new world out there," says the Mad Hatter. And so it is.
But when was poker ever real?
It will take time but poker tournaments will return, as will your favorite games.
The dealers and employees are still in Las Vegas, searching for solutions. And you can bet the players are trying to help them along!
All they need are a couple of forward-thinking casino owners like Benny Binion to help them along. Let's begin by making it more profitable for people to enter the poker rooms?
Yeah, that's right. Give away some cash!
Make the games easier, not harder to enter. Get those bad beat jackpots rolling, even if it costs the house money.
Increase the size of your comps for time spent playing poker. That's right. I will say it again.
And why not have an interchange between casinos? You play poker at the Mirage and your dinner ticket is good at the Golden Nugget or the Orleans.
Open Las Vegas up to everybody. Make the city fun to visit again!
I am looking forward to driving a convertible back into Glitter Gulch and having it open up for me like it did in the old days.
Aren't you? I am waiting to hear from you, folks, and so are my fellow gamblers.
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